South Africa Team Journal

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Shake things up!" Spar Superstore receipt

We seem to be 'clicking as a team. We are greeted by a sunny, bright morning full of promise! A hearty breakfast and then it's off to school. Tailing the other volunteers, Rachel and I head to school a bit late and spend an hour distracting the children. We catch the older ones outside their classroom and have fun taking photos of their beautiful faces.

Hilda the cleaning lady also strikes a pose! Then it's back to the guesthouse to join "Seeko" and the labor crew on the fencing project. Our tiling expert arrives and provides an estimate for the finishing the stage of the ommunity center. He's availible this week -- so we all may be spending Friday afternoon tiling!

Barb and Bonke head to town for cement and food! Oh, the miles we log! It’s always an obstacle course on East Cape highways – if it’s not a stray lamb, it’s a loose steer, broken-down bus or clutches of schoolkids! All this drama contrasts with the lovely, spacious hills and valleys that seem to stretch endlessly under the South African sky.

School highlights – Teresa was impressed when the little girls in Grade R (K) role-played as “mamas,” wrapping their dolls around their backs and carrying them that way all day! She also had fun teaching grades 7-9 how to interview for jobs. Mona tackled the challenging subject of race relations in America as her assignment today! Wow! Her own family is a mini-lesson in diversity that continues to impress the children.

Other highlights – Margaret finished a terrific Stephanie Meyer book so that Deborah can delve into it. Don says he put “29 crucial pieces” in the puzzle but don’t believe it!

Rachel enjoyed talking to one of the laborers – Kaya – and learning about family relations and ages in South Africa – i.e., how a little brother can be a big brother and how one’s family stretches infinitely or whatever….

Don also was impressed that there is a “middle class” in Malungeni, as witnessed in a home visit that he, Sara, Rachel and Teresa made today. Sara noted how the kitchen in many households is located in a separate building.

While they were visiting with Bonke the abovementioned home, Mona, Margaret and Barb tutored and entertained and played with at least 30 rambunctious children at the guesthouse. What a delight!

A highlight of the evening was enjoying a special dinner with the Ngqeleni Police Chief Donnie Kettledas, his wife Sharon, daughter Jennie Lee and grandson Tristan. They shared lots of info about the East Cape region. They were our special quests. Very pleasant and enjoyable. Koena and Olga outdid themselves with a speical special meal of spinach, beans, beef, potatoes, carrots and other delights. We talked and laughed and got silly with photos. A good finish to a good day!

-Submitted by Barb

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