South Africa Team Journal

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day two, always more to do!

Monday, 6 September 2010

Breakfast at 7 am and a quick morning meeting. Off to the community center where we started in on our first day of projects. The weather was very windy so none of the pre-schoolers showed up (That would never happen in Minnesota) several boys showed up to help with the painting but we had so many brushes/rollers). I brought my I-pod and speakers and I played music by Michael Jackson and the kids all went wild…painting to the music and Dot joined in the dancing (Teresa has a get video of us dancing to “Thriller” Back for a wonderful Koena lunch then back to the CC for tutoring.

I was working with several of the younger children who where coloring pictures from the Disney coloring book. I would say the animal name in Xhosa and they would say the name in English. One of the boys (Sthembele sp?) was very smart and I showed him some sign language signs and he mimicked me right back. He even used it correctly with the other children. James, Dot and Teresa # 1 worked on math with the older children. James even caught one of the older boys using his cell phone to do some of the math problems. Teresa #1 and James made paper airplanes that were a big hit as were the Frisbees and jump rope. I tried to show the girls how to do ‘crosses’, even the boys jump rope. We cleaned up and came back to some free time & planning for the next day. The teachers strike has been settled so the kids will be back in school on Wednesday.

We had a guest join us for dinner- Tobeka he is the Reception (kindergarten) teacher. Again Koena prepared us the most delicious meal: lots of chicken, Samp, spinach, potatoes, beets and fish ( I didn’t eat the fish as I didn’t want to risk an allergic reaction. Koena made me a PB & J. There were amazing dumplings, dessert, cucumbers/tomatoes.

We finished the day with a team meeting and free time. Teresa #1 made balloon figures and more paper airplanes. James played music from his computer…GLEE!!!

Now, bedtime….ahhhh zzzzzzz.

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