South Africa Team Journal

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Different experiences...

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

We rose early Wednesday because Dot and Teta, with James and Olga as their escorts, were leaving early to be delivered to their first day of school. Koena prepared us with a hearty breakfast before we left and packed us lunches with our standby, p.b. and j. sandwiches.

Teresa headed off for another morning of painting and conversations with painters from the community who occasionally serenaded her with song. She painted until the paint ran out again.

The two school experiences were different. Teta was placed in a second-third term class, and early on was deserted by the teacher and left to improvise with twenty-four children who were excited on their first day back after the three week teachers’ strike. She was up to the task with her repertoire of songs and dances as well as a little academic instruction.

Dot, at a different school, spent the day in a combination teachers’ lounge-meeting room-storage room where teachers carried on their conversations in Xhosa. She did, however, meet the teacher to whom she is assigned and received a big homework assignment for the lessons she is to teach on Thursday and Friday.

The afternoon tutoring at the Malungeni community center drew a large number of children again. All four of us were busy supervising coloring, math and map puzzles; and Teta still had the energy to lead dancing.

Our dinner experience was a treat. Koena prepared a large meal because we had as guests the Reverend Spiwo, who initiated the work of Global Volunteers in Malungeni and serves as our program host, and his friend the Reverend Vuyo. We enjoyed the conversation during and after dinner.

We closed out the day with conversation among ourselves and a few work tasks in the guest house.

Thought of the day: ‘There is a good reason we are created with 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth… -Mark Twain

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