South Africa Team Journal

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Visiting the elderly

Thursday, July 28th, 2010- Created by Cam

Another morning means another day and another day means more time to soak up the fascinating culture of Malungeni. I think that because of the incredible hospitality, many of us may now consider this little village a home away from home. I looked forward to today for a couple of reasons. One today was the day some of us got to go on the second outing to visit the elderly. The second reason was the days break from the rigors of the tree planting project. While enjoyable, it really does wipe you out for the rest of the day.

Breakfast saw the introduction a new food, as well as the comeback of those terrific bran muffins. I found the new addition of the coconut buns quite yummy and I hope we may see more of them before we leave. After breakfast, half the team went on to their teaching positions, while those visiting the elderly had a few hours to kill. Holly, Kate, Andrew, Anya, Olga, and I headed out to meet some of the villagers we have been living amongst. The first woman was actually Sam, the groundskeeper at the guesthouses, mother. She seemed rather shy while we all sat in her living room asking her questions through Olga. I can’t help but think I would be the same way being in her shoes. She kindly answered our questions and even changed into a snazzy outfit when we asked to take her picture.

The second area we visited was home to an older couple and their daughter. We listened to stories about how the couple met, the locust infestation that obliterated most crops all over South Africa in the 40’s, and even some of the battles that used to take place between various villages. Olga also chimed in about one even she remembered when she was 10 years old. Before we gave our utmost thanks to the family for having us, we were provided with a gift bag full or 6 or 7 eggs, only proving further how gracious Malungenities are. In our final visit, we were told more stories about how the woman met her husband, and how they had a long relationship before their marriage, something they had to be very secretive about at the time. When we asked for a picture she seemed to be in agreement with Sam’s mom, and changed clothes for her portrait. When we get home, I know we plan on sending the photos back to them.

We trekked home to the guesthouse afterwards for a fairly calm rest of the day and night. Everyone discussed their days, and it seems that at the MBonge school, there was a particularly fun time had in teaching American slang to a class, with Debra taking the lead role in some skits to help explain some of the terms. The kids came later on for what some of us probably consider our daily workout and I have to say… im gonna be a fine Frisbee thrower after this trip! As of now, I’m looking forward to finishing the tree planting tomorrow and then getting back to painting. Only a few days left… let’s make the most of them!

Thought: “When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die”- Eleanor Roosevelt

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